International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers
Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase - HRAC GROUP F3
Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase
 ActiveCompanyExample Trade NameWSSA   


 Diphenylethersaclonifen136BASF (ex Am.Cy.)Bandur, Bandren, CME 127, KUB 3359F3Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase 11 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure

Triazoles (in vivo inhibition of lycopene cyclase)

 Triazoles (in vivo inhibition of lycopene cyclase)amitrole159Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Amitrol T, Amizol, WeedazolF3Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase Inhibition of Lycopene Cyclase 11 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
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Cite this site as: Heap, I.  The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds.  Online.  Internet.  Friday, October 18, 2024 .  Available
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