International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers
Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitors - HRAC GROUP K3 N
Inhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis
 ActiveCompanyExample Trade NameWSSA   


 Acetamidesdiphenamid182Syngenta (ex Zen.)Dymid, L-34314K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Acetamidesnaproanilide17Mitsubishi ChemicalUribest, MT-101K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Acetamidesnapropamide183Syngenta (ex Zen.)Devrinol, R-7465K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Benzofuranesbenfuresate13Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Cyperal, NC 20484K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 16 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Benzofuranesethofumesate209Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Nortron, Tramat, NC 8438K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 16 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Chloroacetamidesacetochlor197MonsantoHarness, Surpass, Topnotch, MON-097, Relay, Winner, ICI-A5676K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesalachlor188MonsantoLasso, CP-50144K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesallidochlor/CDAA1416  K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesbutachlor189MonsantoMachete, CP-53619K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesbutenachlor194Agro KaneshoKH-218K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesdelachlor1417  K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesdiethatyl-ethyl198Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Antor, Hercules, 22234K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesdimethachlor190Syngenta (ex Nov.)Teridox, CGA-17020K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesdimethenamid191Syngenta (ex Nov.)Frontier, SAN-582HK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesmetazachlor192BASFButisan, BAS 2903K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesmetolachlor195Syngenta (ex Nov.)Dual, Medal, Falcon, CGA-24705K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidespethoxamid313Tokuyama SodaTKC-94K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidespretilachlor193Syngenta (ex Nov.)Rifit, SolnetK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidespropachlor187MonsantoRamrod, CP-31393K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidespropisochlor196Nitrokema IpartelepekProponiteK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesprynachlor1418  K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidespyroxasulfone334  K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 ChloroacetamidesS-metolachlor312Syngenta (ex Zen.)Dual S, Dual Gold, Dual Magnum, alpha-metolachlorK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Chloroacetamidesthenylchlor3Tokuyama SodaAlherb, NSK-850K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Chloro-Carbonic-acidsTCA208Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)TCAK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 26 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Othersanilofos1Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Arozin, Rico, HOE 30 374K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Otherscafenstrole247Chugai PharmaceuticalCH-900K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Othersindanofan305Mitsubishi ChemicalMK-243, MX-70906, epoprodanK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Otherspiperophos15Syngenta (ex Nov.)Rilof, C-19490K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Oxyacetamidesflufenacet276Bayer CropScienceAxiom, Cadou, Drago, fluthiamid, fluthiamide, thiadiazolamide, BAY-FOE-5043, FOE-5043K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Oxyacetamidesmefenacet199Bayer CropScienceHinochloa, Rancho, BAY FOE 1976K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Phosphorodithioatesbensulide210Syngenta (ex Zen.)Betasan, Prefar, R-4461K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 8 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Tetrazolinonesfentrazamide277Bayer CropScience K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Thiocarbamatesbutylate216Syngenta (ex Zen.)Sutan, Sutan +, R-1910K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatescycloate217Syngenta (ex Zen.)Ro-NeetK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesdimepiperate218Mitsubishi ChemicalYukamate, MY-93K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 ThiocarbamatesEPTC220Syngenta (ex Zen.)Eptam, Eradicane, R-1608K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesesprocarb215Syngenta (ex Zen.)Fuji-grass, ICI-A2957K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesmolinate222Syngenta (ex Zen.)Ordram, R-4572K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesorbencarb213KumiaiLanray, B-3356K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatespebulate214Syngenta (ex Zen.)Tillam, R-2001K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesprosulfocarb223Syngenta (ex Zen.)Boxer, Defi, ICI-A0574K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesthiobencarb/benthiocarb219Kumiaibenthiocarb, Abolish, Saturn, Bolero, B-3015K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatestiocarbazil212Isagro RicercaDrepamonK3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatestri-allate224MonsantoFargo, Avadex BW, CP 23426K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Thiocarbamatesvernolate221Syngenta (ex Zen.)Vernam, R-1607K3 NVery Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis inhibitorsInhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis 15 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
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